Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hybrid nominated for Royal Television Society Award for 'Stoneage Atlantis'.

Hybrid Fx are pleased to announce that they have been nominated in the ‘Makeup Design – Entertainment & Non Drama’ category for their work on the Wall to Wall/ National Geographic Channel programme ‘Stoneage Atlantis’.

This is our fourth nomination in as many years and is greatly appreciated as it validates the company’s aim in creating the highest quality effects regardless of budget issues.

Our thanks go out to the wonderful Makeup Crew that helped create the many different characters for the programme stand out.

The Award Ceremony is on Wednesday 24th November at the Savoy, London.

As the shoot was makeup and wigs only, it is a strong indicator of the valuable methods taught at the school.

Our next school open day is listed below:

A list of our TV & Film Makeup Courses can be found below:

Friday, October 1, 2010

Leeds Studio Course Open Day!

On Saturday 27th November 2010 we will be hosting our very first 'Open Day' where you can pop along to visit the Leeds Studio and discuss any courses you may wish to take.

Both Prosthetic & Makeup Tutors will be available during the 10.00am - 5.00pm slot and there will even be demonstrations to watch..

10.00am Doors Open

11.00am Bald Cap Demo

1.00pm Silicone Appliance Application Demo

4.00pm Q&A

5.00pm Finish

There are only 30 spaces, so it is advisable to RSVP promptly.

Please pre-book (RSVP only) by visiting the link below!

I would like to attend the Open Day!